Welcome to Treharris Athletic Western Mini and Junior FC
The young players of the oldest club in South Wales!
Started in 1996 by Joey Clyne and Neil Sellick we have grown over the last 25 years and now have football teams ranging from Under 6s through to Under 16s. We provide a clear pathway from mini football through to Junior football and then onto Senior football in the Ardal League (formerly known as the Welsh League). Contact us for any information on becoming part of our football family whether it be as a player, coach or supporter!
About Us
Born to Play
Our mission is to provide a safe and fun environment which exemplifies the values of the FAW 'More Than a Game Strategy'; excellence, family and respect. By providing a positive learning structure in which the coaching family work together to develop players who, regardless of their ability, strive to do their best for themselves and the Team, TAWJFC is committed to producing players who display a positive attitude, respect for each other at all times and, above all, enjoy lifelong footballing camaraderie.